Saturday, 16 August 2014

Killer way to make money online with paidverts

Posted by Unknown 11 Comments
Q : Is this true i can earn 100$ daily with a ptc site ?

R : Yes, this is true you can earn up to 100$ daily with Paidvert .

View The last 48h top earners earn more than 200$ in just 2 days, amazing


1- Introduction
2- Methods & Plans
3- Payments Proofs
4- Advices

1- Introduction

This is PTC unlike any other. You get ads sent to your account based on your available Bonus Ad Points ( 1 BAP = 0.0005$). This means that the more BAP you have the higher value ads you will receive. People are getting sent a 1-30$ worth ad every day(along with various other sizes), depending on what "BAP group" they belong to. Because of this I highly suggest getting as much BAP as you can.

Ads will be sent out to your account ASAP if you have available BAP and your account is active(view activation ad at least every 7 days). Ads are usually distributed a few times daily, so check back at least 2 times a day for any ads you might have received as you have 18 hours to click on them before they recycle, and you will lose them along with the BAP they consumed.

2- Methods & Plans

Method 1 (Paid to Click)

plan 1 : slow earning

In the beginning you gonna earn about 0.1$ by clicking ads daily, after you collect 1$ you can invest by buying an ad campaign to get 3100 bap
and now you gonna earn 0.2$ daily and again when you collect 5$ buy an ad campaign to get 16500 bap keep doing this until you reach highest levels and making a good earning .

(d'ont forget to click your daily bap ads and Remember more baps more valuable ads more earning)

level 1 : 100 to 1600
2 : 1600 to 6400
3 : 6400 to 12000
4 : 12000 to 24000
5 : 24k to 48k
6 : 48k to 96k
7 : 96k to 180k
8 : 180k to 360k
9 : 360k to 720k
10: 720k to 1.5m
11: 1.5m to 3m
12: 3m to 6m
13: 6m and up

Notice : with plan 1 you gonna need 2 to 3 months to start making good earning

plan 2 : fast earning (investment nedeed)

If you want to earn fast you must invest money by purchasing ad compagnes starting from 10$ to 1000$ :
10$ = 31000 bap
100$= 310000 bap

Q : But witch sites im gonna to promote when i purchase ads compaignes ?

R : They are many sites to promote :

- promote your website or your blog to get visitors.
- if you are registred in another ptc site you can promote to get refarrals.
- search for ptp sites has a good cpm and allow ptc sites .
- and more.


Methode 2 (Referrals)

You can earn a lot of money by your referrals , You will earn 10% of all ad purchases your referrals make, both now and in the future. So if your referral buys $100 worth of ads, you will earn an instant $10 commision.
You will also earn 5% of the value of any paid ads your referral interacts with. So if your referral views a paid ad for $1.00, they will receive $0.95 and you will earn $0.05 in commission.

How to get referrals ?

- you can invite your family members and your friend to join paidverts Under your referral link .
- you can write about paidverts in forums and social medias .
- you can promote your paidverts referral link in other ptc sites
- and more.

Read More with hitleap premium is no more working

Posted by Unknown 10 Comments
Sorry to say that with hitleap premium is no more working, i have tried many combinations and settings of them but it failed... they banned twice or thrice times in different account.and it shows "the account is locked".
 Few days ago, was closed due to large numbers of fraud,bot clicks... now they are more stronger more secured than the previous one. So, now a days if you send traffic with hitleap (even premium), they can trace it easily. Actually it can be easily determined in heat map, where the mouse movements are traced. The bot traffics or traffic exchange site's traffics has no mouse movement, so they got easily banned.

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