Saturday, 16 August 2014

Killer way to make money online with paidverts

Posted by Unknown 11 Comments
Q : Is this true i can earn 100$ daily with a ptc site ?

R : Yes, this is true you can earn up to 100$ daily with Paidvert .

View The last 48h top earners earn more than 200$ in just 2 days, amazing


1- Introduction
2- Methods & Plans
3- Payments Proofs
4- Advices

1- Introduction

This is PTC unlike any other. You get ads sent to your account based on your available Bonus Ad Points ( 1 BAP = 0.0005$). This means that the more BAP you have the higher value ads you will receive. People are getting sent a 1-30$ worth ad every day(along with various other sizes), depending on what "BAP group" they belong to. Because of this I highly suggest getting as much BAP as you can.

Ads will be sent out to your account ASAP if you have available BAP and your account is active(view activation ad at least every 7 days). Ads are usually distributed a few times daily, so check back at least 2 times a day for any ads you might have received as you have 18 hours to click on them before they recycle, and you will lose them along with the BAP they consumed.

2- Methods & Plans

Method 1 (Paid to Click)

plan 1 : slow earning

In the beginning you gonna earn about 0.1$ by clicking ads daily, after you collect 1$ you can invest by buying an ad campaign to get 3100 bap
and now you gonna earn 0.2$ daily and again when you collect 5$ buy an ad campaign to get 16500 bap keep doing this until you reach highest levels and making a good earning .

(d'ont forget to click your daily bap ads and Remember more baps more valuable ads more earning)

level 1 : 100 to 1600
2 : 1600 to 6400
3 : 6400 to 12000
4 : 12000 to 24000
5 : 24k to 48k
6 : 48k to 96k
7 : 96k to 180k
8 : 180k to 360k
9 : 360k to 720k
10: 720k to 1.5m
11: 1.5m to 3m
12: 3m to 6m
13: 6m and up

Notice : with plan 1 you gonna need 2 to 3 months to start making good earning

plan 2 : fast earning (investment nedeed)

If you want to earn fast you must invest money by purchasing ad compagnes starting from 10$ to 1000$ :
10$ = 31000 bap
100$= 310000 bap

Q : But witch sites im gonna to promote when i purchase ads compaignes ?

R : They are many sites to promote :

- promote your website or your blog to get visitors.
- if you are registred in another ptc site you can promote to get refarrals.
- search for ptp sites has a good cpm and allow ptc sites .
- and more.


Methode 2 (Referrals)

You can earn a lot of money by your referrals , You will earn 10% of all ad purchases your referrals make, both now and in the future. So if your referral buys $100 worth of ads, you will earn an instant $10 commision.
You will also earn 5% of the value of any paid ads your referral interacts with. So if your referral views a paid ad for $1.00, they will receive $0.95 and you will earn $0.05 in commission.

How to get referrals ?

- you can invite your family members and your friend to join paidverts Under your referral link .
- you can write about paidverts in forums and social medias .
- you can promote your paidverts referral link in other ptc sites
- and more.

Read More with hitleap premium is no more working

Posted by Unknown 10 Comments
Sorry to say that with hitleap premium is no more working, i have tried many combinations and settings of them but it failed... they banned twice or thrice times in different account.and it shows "the account is locked".
 Few days ago, was closed due to large numbers of fraud,bot clicks... now they are more stronger more secured than the previous one. So, now a days if you send traffic with hitleap (even premium), they can trace it easily. Actually it can be easily determined in heat map, where the mouse movements are traced. The bot traffics or traffic exchange site's traffics has no mouse movement, so they got easily banned.

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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

How to Make Money Online without Google Adsense

Posted by Unknown 13 Comments
Hello,  I will show you an easy way to make money on autopilot. It will take you only a few minutes to set it up and then you can leave it on and do whatever you want while it is making you money. There are other methods that use HitLeap and which would make you way more money and faster but you would need a HitLeap premium account or you could get your account suspended. However, the method I will share with you now is completely free and legal. The concept is simple: you will collect free traffic to promote a website link which will earn you money. But all of this will be automatic. Most of the websites that will get displayed in the automatic traffic exchange will be blogs and youtube videos but having an antivirus installed on your PC is advised, just in case. I will describe everything it in detail, step-by-step so anyone can easily set it up and start earning.
Step 1: Make a HitLeap account.
Step 2: On the HitLeap website click at “Traffic Exchange” and Download the viewer application.
Alternatively, you can run it in your browser but it a lot more practical and safer to use the application and you get +20% bonus credits.
Step 3: Install and open the HitLeap Viewer.
Step 4: Click on “Traffic Exchange” in the HitLeap menu and press Start.
You will be earning minutes by viewing websites that you could spend to bring traffic to your link later on. Don’t worry if it says “minutes earned: 0″ even if a few minutes had passed already. Sometimes it takes it a while to update and suddenly you could see “minutes earned: 5″. You don’t need to look at these websites because everything is automatic. Minimize it and it will keep earning you traffic. Now its time to convert that traffic into money :)

Now sign up in
Paste and shrink your URL(s).
Paste the link into hitleap. Set them all in a random duration from 20 to 25 seconds. As a premium member of hitleap you can change the source of hitleap traffics, i.e- google, facebook, twitter or whatever you want.
NOTE- Please don't use hitleap as a free member. will block you. Upgrade your membership to premium (not even premium lite). Even don't use jingling. It may cause a permanent ban from
Click submit for review and enjoy earnings. :)

Payment proofs-

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Saturday, 26 July 2014

[Complete Method] How to Make money with Neobux

Posted by Unknown 5 Comments

Neobux is an awesome money making Program !!!

7 level Downline Commission
$8 Refferal Commission Upgrade
Rent Refferal Available
Earn up to $0.02 per click
Earn up to $0.02 per ref. click
Daily Payouts and Receiving System
Detailed statistics of your referral clicks
Payments with PayPal & EGO Pay
Professional Support
Have you realized that you earn 7 Levels Downline Commission ?

What does this mean ?
Here a small Example...
Maybe you recruit only 3 new Members, they choose to make the Upgrade,
then you earn 3 x 8 $ = 24 $ , every Month !!!

and now, supposing, they all do the same like you -
recruit only 3 new Members,
then YOU have in:
Level 1 ( your 3 direct Members) = 24 $
Level 2: 3 x 3 = 9 Members = 9 $
Level 3: 9 x 3 = 27 members = 27 $
Level 4: 27 x 3 = 81 Members = 81 $
Level 5: 81 x 3 = 243 Members = 243 $
Level 6: 243 x 3 = 729 Members = 729 $
Level 7: 729 x 3 = 2187 Members = 2187 $
In this example you earn amazing 3.300 $ , every Month !!!

In this example we have expected that everybody only recruit 3 new members,
imagine what happens if everybody recruit 4, 5 or maybe 10 new members !
How much do you earn then ... amazing...

Al you have to do, is
-  Promote your Referral - Link
-  Click Daily at least 4 Advertisings

Test it, you will see your Downline grow and grow...
NOW is the best time to start, because the Programm is BRAND NEW !!!
Its soooo easy to recruit now some new Members...

Dont want promote your Referral - Link ?

No Problem, simply make the Upgrade / RENT Referrals
and earn from every Click they make !!!
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Friday, 25 July 2014

Cashfly- Scam or Legit? Check Details Here!!!

Posted by Unknown 5 Comments
Cashfly also a scam site like One of the members says,"Lost my account with 8$ in there. No warning, no error message, it just keeps redirecting me to the login page. It's not about the 8$ but the fact that they thought they could get away with it. Btw, the views were 110% legit. No bots or shit were used."

Now see their facebook page comments

check out more member's reaction about cashfly-
1> I think they are scam
because on 28 may they deleted my account without any notice.
2> Same with me i also lost my account with 5$ without any notice. 
3> They deleted my account before paying. I had 70% legit traffic.
4> Another scam site , I hate these owners that paid few times and then run away with our money.
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Complete Jingling Bot Guide in English

Posted by Unknown 6 Comments
A lot of new users questioning about Jingling lately, so i decided that i create this thread. And i know i'm awesome.

Official Jingling Website:


Password : 123456

What is Jingling?
It is a traffic exchange bot which runs in the background, probably the most widely used in the world due to its convenience. If you have no idea what i just mentioned, it visits other users' websites and in return they visit yours!

If you still do not get it, here's a for you. Just take Jingling as a traffic generator.

Pros of using Jingling

Reliable, been up and running since 2008

No registration required

Improves Alexa ranking

Unique international visitors

Works on Windows XP, Windows 2003,Windows Vista, Win7, Win8

TOTALLY virus free due to its SandBox security system FREE!

Cons of using Jingling
Majority of traffic comes from China (lesser traffic worth)
Slows down your computer

Detected by some Anti-Virus softwares

Chinese language (for non-Chinese users)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is there an unlimited Jingling version?

A: No, the bot allows only up to 6 links, depending on the processing power of your computer.

Q: What type of computers get the most traffic?

A: Computers with higher RAM will get more link slots. The faster your Internet connection, the more clicks you will get.

Q: Is there a Pop-Under option?

A: As of now, no.

Any burning questions? Ask them below and I will try my best to answer them.


When you install Jingling, the program should look like this.

1. The maximum number of link slots that Jingling allows on your computer.

2. Settings

1. Start Jingling when your computer starts up

2. Show Jingling icon in Task Bar

3. Keyboard short-cut to toggle Jingling on/off

4. Set Jingling scheduled shutdown

5. Confirm

6. Cancel

3. Add a link into Jingling

1. Insert link here (Must start with http:// )

2. Confirm

3. Cancel

__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

1. Traffic sent to your link

2. Link is gaining visitors

3. Link is offline, not gaining visitors

4. Link has failed traffic exchange, wait for bar to fully load to try again

5. Pause traffic exchange

6. Start traffic exchange

7. Delete link from server

8. Location of clicks

1. WorldWide Clicks

2. Western Traffic!!!

3. Save settings

4. Cancel

9. Settings for link

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________

Many of you might also find the status of your link to be like this and not receiving any hits, it means 'Preparing Link' so be patient

How to change referrer?

1. Insert referrer (must start with http://)

2. Add link (Press this before clicking 'Confirm')

3. Confirm

4. Cancel

That's all for now, I will update this post frequently for the benefit of TBNers. Have a good day everyone!
Read More Scam or Legit? Check Details Here!

Posted by Unknown 3 Comments
ITY.IM is scam They suspended my Account ..when i request $90 Payment...
 Also i Again create new account to ask them why My Account suspended ...But My Support Ticket is pending From 1 September 2013..Still No Reply. You can see their Facebook page for update on the payment. Many people like you are also complaining about the payment there.

One of the user says,"I got also a pending on this ad network, for 7 times I got paid but on the 8th requested payment wasn't paid, it's still pending since October 4 till now I submitted a ticket and they say they will clear up payments this end of the week, let's see if they can prove that they are stable and capable of paying their publishers then maybe I'll continue driving my traffics."

While another one says,"They Pay Me 11 Times...But when i Req my 12 payment $90 They suspended my account for no Reason."

One more people says,"I've used this service too. I earned approx $180 and requested payout. I never got it, and when I contacted customer support. I got no response. Ever since then, I just stick to reliable networks. I just added this site to a 'list of scam sites' text file I have and share with 20-50 people on my forum. "
Read More Scam or Legit? Check Details Here!

Posted by Unknown 3 Comments
Personally I have not tested yet but I have seen meny posts, which are mean to say that is nothing but a SCAM site. Here is some examples, let's check out...

hello people I used since july I get my payment in august 8,2012 and in august I started again and earn $16.XX they said "Payments done for Aug 2012. Great month." WHATS THE F**KING GREAT when I Didnt get paid!

* I didnt click my links EVER!
* I didnt do anything wrong specially the TOS and rules

and i get this stupid warning without doing anything

then when i tried to hit the "REQUEST FOR PAYMENT".. it shows-

 Its not true that never pay to users, they pay 1/4 th of members just to show the payment proof.
One of user says, "
My account never had anything to do with Reddit, though. And as far as I can tell, I was getting "good" traffic. After trying to payout, I got a notice that my payment was denied (with no reason given), and I've been waiting two months for a reply to my support ticket. Posting on the forums doesn't work because each post has to be whitelisted by the admin, and he clearly doesn't want people bringing attention to this.
The Adfocus facebook page is also full of people claiming to be denied payments if they meet a certain threshold."

While another one says," is scam network ,,dozens of people have tried and get fooled by .They ban your account if you request for money..So never join this network."

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Thursday, 24 July 2014

[Complete Guidance] Increase your blog/site or youtube views with hitleap

Posted by Unknown 14 Comments
HitLeap is a Traffic Exchange, also known as an autohits service
We help you increase your website hits, rankings (alexa, google) and more.

How does it work?
After signing up, you will submit all the websites you want to send traffic to.
Then you will earn free traffic by viewing other people's websites.
Alternatively, you could buy a traffic package from us.

Click Here to Sign Up-

What are minutes?
Let's say you have 1,000 minutes in your account. Minutes are normally earned by watching other members' websites through the automatic Traffic Exchange system. Read more about it here.

The minutes are used to deliver visitors to your websites. When submitting your website into HitLeap, you can choose how long you want the visitors to stay on the website: between 10 and 60 seconds.

Let's also assume that you have submitted one website under My Websites, and the visit duration has been set to 30 seconds, which is 0.5 minutes. This is the amount of minutes that every hit will cost you.

Therefore, 1,000 minutes on your account will give you: 1,000 minutes / 0.5 minutes = 2,000 hits in total. If the visit duration is set to 60 seconds, you would receive: 1,000 minutes / 1 minute = 1,000 hits in total.

How do I earn minutes?
Earning minutes through the Traffic Exchange

When you visit the Traffic Exchange page and click on Start Traffic Exchange, your browser will automatically start showing you websites from other members. Thousands of members are running this automatic system as you are reading this article, viewing each others' websites.

If you are a Regular member and keep the Traffic Exchange running for 100 minutes, you will earn back 70% of the time - 70 minutes. The minutes are added to your balance, visible on the Overview page.

Whenever you have unused minutes in your balance, they will automatically be used to show your websites (that you have submitted under My Websites) to thousands of other members running the Traffic Exchange.

Your browser might freeze when running the Traffic Exchange. We recommend you to use the special HitLeap Viewer application to avoid that.

What is the HitLeap Viewer?
Normally, you simply start the Traffic Exchange in your browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome). You might discover that after just a few hours, your browser freezes and your are no longer earning minutes.

To overcome this problem, we have created the HitLeap Viewer application for the Windows operating system. The application is designed to run only the Traffic Exchange and it is able to do so without freezing or requiring any extra attention.

You can download the application by clicking Download on the Traffic Exchange page. The file is a self-extracting archive and you need to execute it and extract it into a folder. Inside the folder you will find an executable file called "HitLeap Viewer".

Download Hitleap Viewer From Here- Hitleap Viewer

The HitLeap Viewer is currently only available for:
•Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or better)
•Windows Vista
•Windows 7
•Windows 8
At the moment, Linux and Mac users can only run the application through VirtualBox. We are also planning to introduce a better way to run the application under Linux and Mac in the near future.

Click Here to Sign Up- Hitleap
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Make money with coinurl and hitleap

Posted by Unknown 5 Comments
Hello everyone! I'm gonna show you the easiest way to earn money with hitleap. It's all autopilot, all you have to do is set it up, which will take about 10 minutes, and then you're all set. The instructions are below:

First create a hitleap account... sign up here- Hitleap Traffic Exchange


1: Sign up here: CoinURL - Redirect
2: Once you have signed up, click on "Buy" and then click on "Upgrade Account"
3: Purchase the Premium pack, it only costs $10/month, but it's really worth it for everything
4: Once you've purchased, download the viewer from here( CoinURL - Redirect ) and run it 24/7 to earn a lot of minutes
5: Now sign up here: CoinURL - Redirect
6: Shorten any URL of your choice, then copy that URL
7: Go back to hitleap, go into "My Websites" tab, click "Submit website" into the Traffic Exchange
8: For the address, enter in the shorten URL from
9: Set the duration to Random Duration, and between 20-30 secs for them to count and look legit.
10: For traffic source, set it to any of your choice. Then submit.
11: You're all done! Now just let the viewer run 24/7 and you account will continue on accumulating minutes.
12: I hope you liked this.
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How to make money with hitleap regular account

Posted by Unknown 6 Comments
Hi! I wanted to share my working method for Triond!
My method uses only the hitleap traffic exchange, but you can also use other traffic exchanges and/or bots like easyhits4u (TE), linkcollider (TE), jingling (Bot) and others.

PS. Triond pays by PayPal.

(Just started experimenting with this, and earned $1,14 from 13k hitleap regular views.)

Let's start:
(A PayPal account is required.)

1. Sign up to Hitleap: Here  (You can also sign up to other autosurfs as mentioned above ^)
2. Sign up for Triond: Here
3. Download and run the hitleap viewer to generate points. (On VPS / PC)

Here comes the hard part:

4. Copy an article from anywhere from the internet.
5. Go to and paste the article. Set it to best spin every other word/phrase, and click spin.
6a. Copy the article, and post it on Triond.
6b. Wait for the article to get approved; if it didn't get approved, repeat step 4-6a and get at least one article approved
7. After you've got your first article approved, post another two articles using the same method as above.
8. Add the three article links to hitleap.
9. Continue to run the hitleap viewer on a VPS / on your computer to generate views on your triond articles.
10. After you've gotten the minimum payout, which is $0.5 by PayPal, enjoy your easy, free money.

(Important Information: Triond only pays in USD, and they pay the 10th day of every month)

Payment Proof:

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Make money with the best URL Shortener site

Posted by Unknown 2 Comments is an advertising network based on links that are spread over the Internet. Unlike other ad networks we don’t need even a single pixel of your precious webpage space. We simply take care of your links. Every time a user clicks a link on your website we redirect him to an intermediate page with an ad, after five seconds he’s being taken to the destination URL.
- it's accept traffic from torrent sites, sharehostigns and many more.

- Payout Method: Paypal & Pyoneer

Minimum Payout: $5 for Paypal / $20 for Payoneer.

Click here to join

method : it's great

6000 visitors ( visitors from USA ) = 20$ per day

1000 visitors US = 3.93$

6 * 3.93$ = 23.58$ per day

share your shorten links in forums US , UK , canada .....

Click here to join

- after , share my links in forums US , i get a lot money between 15 - 18 mars

Click here to join

my Proof of Payment :

Click here to join
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How to get unlimited visitors to your blog from hitleap

Posted by Unknown 3 Comments

What is HitLeap?
What is HitLeap?
HitLeap is a free Traffic Exchange, delivering hits to any website, on-demand.
We help you increase your website visitors, rankings and more.
Our affiliate program lets you earn cash and traffic commissions of up to 50%.

How does it work?
After signing up, you will submit all the websites you want to send traffic to.
Then you will earn free traffic by viewing other people\'s websites.
Alternatively, you could buy a traffic package from us.

What are minutes?

Let us say you have 1,000 minutes in your account. Minutes are normally earned by watching other members websites through the automatic Traffic Exchange system. Read more about it here.

The minutes are used to deliver visitors to your websites. When submitting your website into HitLeap, you can choose how long you want the visitors to stay on the website: between 10 and 60 seconds.

Let us also assume that you have submitted one website under My Websites, and the visit duration has been set to 30 seconds, which is 0.5 minutes. This is the amount of minutes that every hit will cost you.

Therefore, 1,000 minutes on your account will give you: 1,000 minutes / 0.5 minutes = 2,000 hits in total. If the visit duration is set to 60 seconds, you would receive: 1,000 minutes / 1 minute = 1,000 hits in total.

How to Earn as a Free Member
You can earn money by referring new people to HitLeap.

Whenever one of your referrals buys something from HitLeap, you are immediately credited with up to 50% of the purchase value. The percentage you earn depends on your account type.

For example, if you are a Premium member and your referral buys 50,000 Minutes for € 35.00, you will immediately earn € 17.50.

The cash is added to your accounts cash balance and can be withdrawn to your Paypal account after you reach the minimum € 5.00 balance.

You can view your current cash balance by clicking on Referrals after logging in.

Recommended Upgrades
Account Feature Regular Premium Lite Premium
Maximum traffic exchange ratio 70 % 80 % 100 %
Website slots 3 5 15
Monthly minutes bonus 0 2,000 5,000

Earnings from referrals

Regular Premium Lite Premium
Minute commissions 20% 25% 30%
Cash commissions 20%* 30%* 50%*

€ 7 / Month

Premium Lite
€ 3 / Month

HitLeap Strategy
How do I refer people?

Every member has a unique referral link. For example, if your username is default, your referral link will be:
You can view your unique referral link on the Referrals page.

When you give this link to somebody and they open it, they are redirected to HitLeap. After registration, that person will become your referral.

You will also receive an e-mail notification about this. You can view all your referrals on the Referrals page.

You earn cash commissions on every purchase your referrals make.

If you cannot sponsor, feel free to promote the guide with your ID in it (see the referrals co-op for details)
Good luck and thanks for reading!

Anyone who sponsors this co-op will be able to fill their downlines for a longer period of time, and more economically efficient. For example: You could run a one day fixed ad somewhere and get a coupple of referrals. Or, you could spend the same amount and have your affiliate banner displayed to relevant users FOR LIFE! And, you will be guaranteed to traffic to this guide FOR LIFE. Now think about it... that is a one time purchase that will help you permanently. Once the co-op sells out of sponsorships, the program will be added to the webmaster's "official guides" and become a monthly subscription program PERMANENTLY INCLUDED in the webmaster's Ad co-op, that pays recurring commission prizes to the lifetime sponsors... FOR LIFE! The more sponsorships you have in this co-op, the more chances you will have at winning those prizes down the road, the more traffic your referral ID will get, and also member profile views, where you can showcase ALL of YOUR referral links!

Author's Updates
The author has not posted any updates yet

Disclaimer/Reader Responsibility
These guides are written by members, and in no way does guarantee your results using this program, or any program for that matter. These guides are intended to allow members to share their experiences, and yours may vary greatly. Thank you for reading, and if information in this guide seems intentionally misleading or inaccurate, please contact the webmaster.
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Earn 2$ per day with your blog + hitleap

Posted by Unknown 20 Comments
Firstly, you must register to these sites: (ref): CDXINTERACTIVE(Doesn't accept publishers anymore sorry,4PTP,CPX24,Blogspot,HitLeap - The Quality Traffic Exchange

Ok, now to setup: login to your cdxinteractive account and go to "Generate ad tags"

Then this will show up:

Copy all those codes and then you must paste it to blogger.

Proof of earnings in a day with cdxinteractive with only hitleap 3 slots:

Min payout = 5$

Now, to setup your CPX24 link.

Refer to this tutorial:

and add your CPX24 ptp link which can be found in:

Proof of stats/payments (note: I tried it only for 2 days and only got 1$ total from CPX24:

How to setup your 4PTP promote link:

Copy this code

<iframe src="" width="300" height="300"></iframe>
And change the "YOURUSERNAME to your registered username"

And paste it to blogspot html/javascript tool

My payment proof and earnings in just a day:

Not my payment proof but, thanks to @xincome I haven't reached the min payout yet (1$) but, I will add mine soon

After setting up all of your details grab your blogspot link and then, paste it to hitleap and enjoy your earnings!
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[Complete Guide] How to monetize your free hitleap minutes

Posted by Unknown 4 Comments
Lately I've noticd that a lot of PTP and CPM are not allowing free Hitleap so i am always looking for ways to use it couse atm hitleap minutes are the easyest to produce and there are no more good TE like it.

I've also tried to sell my minutes but it was so hard to be paid 0.2/1000 now i guess it's hard to be paid 0.15 - 0.1/1000 so it doesn't worth.

Well these are my 3 method to monetize your Hitleap Free. You will make MORE than 0.3 every 1000minutes and these PTP are legit so..:


1 Register here.
2 Register here, here and download this bot.
3 Copy the link1 from the PTP section of GOLDPTP and paste it in Hitleap and Otohits 20s - 25s AND in the SimpleTrafficEschange. To increase your point/minutes download the viewer from hitleap and the application from otohits.
4 Send as many traffic you can using all TE you know
5 Enjoy your earnings!


1 How much time for that earning?
Well It depends on how many links u will use 1 hitleaplink/1000pt/day
2 What are payment policy?
Admin pays every month who have 5$+
3 What is the worths of the points?
4 Jingling allowed?
Yes but it count really bad. I suggest hitleap, SimpleTrafficExchange, likenation and all TE you know.

More questions just post here

Enjoy. All my refs have been paid. You can check them in the "Payments" section.


1 Register here.
2 Register here, here and download this bot.
3 Copy the link from the "Affiliate Code" section called : "CPV LINK TO PROMOTE:" and paste it in Hitleap and Otohits 10s AND in the SimpleTrafficEschange. To increase your point/minutes download the viewer from hitleap and the application from otohits.
4 Send as many traffic you can using all TE you know
5 Enjoy your earnings!


1 Register here.
2 Register here, here, here and download this bot.
3 Copy the link from the "Promote Page" section called : "Promote Page 1" and paste it in Hitleap, prostosurf and Otohits 20s - 25s AND in the SimpleTrafficEschange. To increase your point/minutes download the viewer from hitleap and the application from otohits.
4 Send as many traffic you can using all TE you know
5 Enjoy your earnings!


0.35/1000views. It means about 0.6/1000min

1 Register here.
2 Register here, here, here.
3 Create a blog using blogger or a site if you have any experience. If you have no experience start using weebly. They will ban you in a couple of month but is good to begin.
4 Add some contents, some pages, some images and make that site seems real.
5 Go on elixad and submit you site for the review.
6 When your site has been added copy the AD tags from the "My Site" section and paste them in your blog/site.
7 Add your site to Hitleap and set 30s as time/view.
Send as many traffic you can using all TE you know
8 Enjoy your earnings!

  • You can try to use Jingling with all these but i prefer to use it for other business.
  • You can boost your traffic using SWIFTVIEWER.
  • You can increase your minutes earning from hitleap upgrading yur account to premium (usually this doesn't worth but if you have a good amount of vps you can have up to +30% minutes).
  • You can try using a siteviewer + Proxy couse HOTCPM and GOLDPTP have NO IP CONTROL on same links. (But I am not sure it is safe)
  • ATM i've left from GOLDPTP couse they have hardly decreased the CPM so it's good for fast views but anyway it's too low for me.
  • GO HERE to know all tricks for hitleap. Thanks to Prosperus.
  • Try 's auto-surf and Traffic Exchange

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Make 20$ per day with clixsense with payment proof

Posted by Unknown 4 Comments
Clixsense offers is a new way to increase your earnings on Clixsense. To access the Clixsense Offers, Sign up or Login to your Clixsense account and click on the "Offers" tab which is located at the top of the page. This will display all the available offers to you.

New Proof :


his is a great new feature offered by Clixsense. An active Clixsense members can now earn more daily just by completing these offers.

These offers includes :

Surveys - These are trusted surveys that can be taken every day. Because of that they have the highest earning potential of all offers. If you don't qualify to take a survey the first try, you may try again. There will be days with no surveys matching your demographics, so you should check these daily, it takes only a couple minutes;

Shopping - These offers require you to make a purchase from an online retailer;

Signups - Offers in this category can be an easy way to earn. They mainly consist of a simple signup process, others may require you to fill out several pages;

Downloads - As the name implies you will be required to do a download. These are free downloads and can be anything from a browser toolbar to a stand-alone program;

Games - This requires you to download or play online games;

Free - This includes all of the above except for the Shopping offers that require a purchase to be made.

Trick ! HOW TO WIN ClixGrid

ClixGrid is the best Way to Make Money because you Can Win Up to $10.00. ClixGrid is Very simple games. In ClixGrid Games, you will just only Click The Grid in The Images, See the ads for 5 Second, If you Lucky you will Get Some Money (Up To $10.00 or Get More Click Chances.

To win ClixGrid, i have some Simple tips / Trick but this Trick is Very Good Trick and 100% Work

Just Click The Same Grid Everyday, don't Click Another Grid. Because the Money's Grid is Random. And will be changed everyday. So you must Click The Same Grid Everyday.

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Make 10$ per day with Paidverts

Posted by Unknown

Do you know Many peoples around you are earning over a $1000 per month Online from their Computer...

Are You ??... If no then No Worry !
Friends i have a trick.Today i will teach you how to earn not $1000 but $10 a day or $300 a month. Yes, you can earn this amount from your own computer. And the best part is that you do not have to invest even a single Dollar and you can earn $300 per month with your own effort, You also do not need even a Single Referral. The site name is Paidverts.

So, What is Paidverts ??...

PaidVerts is an advertising platform that pays you to interact with advertisers.
Advertisers purchase ads in their system and Paidverts deliver those ads to your account every hour. In other words, Paidverts is a paid to click (PTC) website. But Remember Paidverts is not Like the regular ptc sites which you joins and click ads for less than a single pennies. It is totally different. Paidverts is fully loaded with a very very unique Script. That's why Paidverts got their 50000 members in less than a Month.

In Paidverts you can earn money just by viewing ads. Yes i am not joking. You really can earn $10 a day or $300 a Month for just clicking some ads everyday. I know you won't believe me because no one can earn such a big amount just by clicking ads. For your Believe, Today me and some of my friends had taken some screenshots of their ads. Watch them below..

16th payment from paidverts $46

14th payment from paidverts $67

12th payment from paidverts $50

11th payment from paidverts $23

10th payment from paidverts $20


picture of my ads (26 june 2014 - 50$ ):

14 july 2014 (my ads)

12 july 2014 (my ads = 11$)

7 july 2014 (my ads)

29 june ads value

picture of my ads (24 june 2014):

Paidverts is a part of My traffic value which is Stable and paying their members on time since 2010. So, don't even think that paidverts will scam you. Paidverts is Legit, Trusted and Paying their every members on time.

By Reading this Post, I am sure every one want's to know the Strategy to earn More than $300 a month and Clicking such ads. That's why i had described the whole story below in FIVE Phases. Kindly read them Carefully...

PHASE 1 (Registration) = Before starting out you must have to register an account at Paidverts. After Registration Log in your account and go to ‘Members Home Page’. Click activation ads and view all 8 activation ads. Each activation ad will give you 50 BAPs. You can get 8 activation ads daily in your account. Try to click all the ads every day. It will help you to earn much Money.

PHASE 2 (BAPs) = BAPs which is also known as Bonous Ad Points. BAP is a type of Paidverts currency which will help you to gain Paid ads. On the first day at paidverts you will only earn BAP not real cash. There is not so much difference between BAPs and Real cash. Each BAP is equal to $0.0005. You can only use BAPs to play casino games and can win some extra BAPs. You can’t use them for other purpose also you can not convert them to Money. But don’t worry, I have told you that Paidverts consists a very unique script. Your BAPs will be used by Paidverts to deliver you paid ads. For example, Today you have 1700 BAPs. Tomorrow when you log in your account you got a $0.10 ad. Then, you will see 200 BAPs has already been deducted from your account ($0.0005*200=$0.10). So, BAPs is the key to success in Paidverts. The more you accumulate – the Higher your earnings will be. Paidverts will deduct your BAPs and give you Paid ads each and everyday.

PHASE 3 (Ads) = At Paidverts everyday you can see two type of ads. Activation ads and Paid ads. Activation ads will give you BAPs and Paid ads will give you Real cash. You will recieve paid ads but don't forget to click activation ads everyday. For example if you have 2000 BAPs in your account and if there is a $2 ad in circulation then you will not recieve that ad because you don't have enough BAPs which Paidverts will deduct. But if there is a $1 ad in circulation, then there is a chance that you might recieve that ad. Paid ads are recyling throughout the day. For example, if you logged in Today at 8 Am and clicked all available ads, after that when you again log in at 4 PM then you will see some more ads are available again to click. Try to log in your Paidverts account in every 12 hours. Activtion ads expires within 24 hrs. But remember You only have 18hrs to click paid ads because Paid ads expires in within 18 hours.

PHASE 4 (Upgrading account) = Upgrading your account at paidverts will cost you only $0.05. Paidverts is not like other PTC sites where Upgrading account costs $20 a month or $800 per year. Upgrading your account at Paidverts will give you the priority to recieve Recycled ads. So, [size=15]What is Recycled ads ?.. = Recycled ads are those ads which are not clicked by the member and got recycled.
For example, there are two active members John and Sam. Both of them are active and click their ads every day and earning a lots of money. But today John goes on a Vacation and today he is not active at Paidvets. Today John and Sam both got 20 ads. Sam clicked all their ads because he is active today. But John is on Vacation and he didn't clicked any ads today. John ads will expire after 18 hours and gets recycled. So, that is called Recycled ads. Only Upgraded members recieves Recycled ads. In an average i am Reciving 8 to 12 Recycled ads Everyday.
Upgrading will cost you $0.05 and 2500 BAPs. But don't worry only $0.05 will be deducted from your account not 2500 BAPs. But one thing you should remember that Your Upgraded membership can expire tomorrow or it can also be expired after a week. But before expiring it will deliver at least $1 worth of ads. Try to Notice one thing that Upgrading will cost you only $0.05 but it expires after delivering at least $1 worth of ads. Isn't Upgrading is much profitable.

PHASE 5 (Bulk ad packs) = As I already told you. Paidverts is a Revolution in PTCs. Do you know purchasing ad packs at Paidverts is very very profitable ??... At other PTCs when you purchase any advertising package then it costs a large amount of money and also you won’t get any Good results. But it doesn’t happen at paidverts. Each Ad pack will cost you $1 and will give you these things Instantly :-

#25 (728*90) banner impression
#100 (125*125) banner impression
#50 visits to your website
#3100 Bonus Ad Points will be added to your account.

Isn’t it looks much profitable ?.. With only $1 you will receive all those elements Instantly in your account with 3100 BAPs. Think a while, you purchased it with $1 and they delivers 3100 BAPs which is equal to $1.55 (3100*$0.0005=$1.55). So, I recommend you to purchase an ad pack as soon as your account reaches $1 because it is very much Profitable.

Still One Thing You Should Have To Remember...
Don't Forget to Do This...

If you do this, You will be my Referral and you will recieve Recycled ads from Me..., So, Don't Forget..

If you do this, You will be my Referral and you will recieve Recycled ads from Me..., So, Don't Forget..

PHASE 6: complete Milestones and get extra bap:
View 100 paid ads, to receive 500 BAP

Buy $1000+ worth of ads, to receive 100,000 BAP

Buy $5000+ worth of ads, to receive 1,000,000 BAP

Buy $50,000+ worth of ads, to receive 10,000,000 BAP

Refer 3+ friends, that view 300+ ads, and purchase $30 ads, to receive 50,000 BAP

Refer 10+ friends, that view 5000+ ads, and buy $100 ads, to receive 200,000 BAP

Refer 20+ friends, that view 25,000+ ads, and buy $250 ads, to receive 2,000,000 BAP

PHASE 7: buy super user upgrade:

Mini Upgrades: $2.99 (508 users currently upgraded)
These will deliver all 1% ads ranging in values from $0.01 to $0.49 each. Eg. You will get all the 1% ads from all ad purchases of $1-$49 made over the next 7days. (Shared between any other upgraded users)

Mega Upgrades: $19.99 (61 users currently upgraded)
These will deliver all 1% ads ranging in values from $0.50 and up! Eg. You will get all the 1% ads from all ad purchases of $50+ made over the next 7days. (Shared between any other upgraded users)
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