People are often search for instant traffic, and they start it from buying traffic package fromtraffic generating sites. For those, I will recommand to use It can generate a massive traffics within a minute. besically is a traffic exchange site which is autosurf, means once you click "earn credits" option in the menubar, it will start surfing other's website and you will get credits in return. The traffic exchange ratio is 80%. After login at, you can see the menubar at rightside column.
At first you have to add a site to start traffic exchange, go to "add site".
You can continue maximum 20 URLs at a time.
here is a screenshot of several URLs, and the hits gained by the traffics. Look just, that the are belong from a same website, but they are different pages. So, you can also increase your pageviews by this.
Just look at the live traffic feed and imagine how many visitors can hit your blog/site within a minute. Go for a hurry sign up. :) besically is a traffic exchange site which is autosurf, means once you click "earn credits" option in the menubar, it will start surfing other's website and you will get credits in return. The traffic exchange ratio is 80%. After login at, you can see the menubar at rightside column.
At first you have to add a site to start traffic exchange, go to "add site".
You can continue maximum 20 URLs at a time.
here is a screenshot of several URLs, and the hits gained by the traffics. Look just, that the are belong from a same website, but they are different pages. So, you can also increase your pageviews by this.
Just look at the live traffic feed and imagine how many visitors can hit your blog/site within a minute. Go for a hurry sign up. :)