Nowadays many bloggers want to earn a decent money from google adsense or other alternative programs even after they leave blogging. Even a cow stop producing milk if you stop feeding. So you have to blogging continuously and update your blog regularly if you want to make money. Because if you don't maintain and update your blog with rich and unique contents, visitor will not arrive to your blog. Visitors want good and unique contents, they have no interest in your business, they don't know you. they will know you through your blog or more specifically your blog contents. If you serve they a quality contents they want, in return they will visit again in your site. And your earning from they blog will increase. No visitors means no income.
So you have to know how to drive traffics toward your blog. That's why you have to learn SEO. SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It means the visibility of your website or blog or a certain webpage to search engines. Suppose a user searching for "why adsense is disabled" in google search engine. Millions of results will appear, but he/she will click the first page's result. 85 percent will do this, rest of them visit page 2 or page 3, maximum page 4. So if your page appearing in page 5 or 6, what it will be??? No visitor will come. That means no click and no income. The tactics for appearing your website/blog or a certain webpage in a from page are called Search Engine Optimization. Google uses an algorithm that decides which page will appear st and which appear later. It is called "PageRank".
Google PageRank is measured in a scale of 0-10.New website/blog are rated "N/A". The better PageRank means to get the better place in search results.It is based on backlinks. The more quality backlinks you have, get better google PageRank.So, if you want blogging for making money, first learn SEO, know how to place your blog in a better position, it gains clicks, means better income.
So you have to know how to drive traffics toward your blog. That's why you have to learn SEO. SEO means Search Engine Optimization. It means the visibility of your website or blog or a certain webpage to search engines. Suppose a user searching for "why adsense is disabled" in google search engine. Millions of results will appear, but he/she will click the first page's result. 85 percent will do this, rest of them visit page 2 or page 3, maximum page 4. So if your page appearing in page 5 or 6, what it will be??? No visitor will come. That means no click and no income. The tactics for appearing your website/blog or a certain webpage in a from page are called Search Engine Optimization. Google uses an algorithm that decides which page will appear st and which appear later. It is called "PageRank".
Google PageRank is measured in a scale of 0-10.New website/blog are rated "N/A". The better PageRank means to get the better place in search results.It is based on backlinks. The more quality backlinks you have, get better google PageRank.So, if you want blogging for making money, first learn SEO, know how to place your blog in a better position, it gains clicks, means better income.
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